Born on the midwifery hub of its time, β€œThe Farm,” in Summertown, Tennessee, and raised by Naturalist parents in Southern Colorado, Chelsea has always had an affinity for Nature and natural medicine, tapping into its healing and grounding properties. Chelsea was first drawn to Reiki her freshman year in college, stumbling upon a Reiki Level 1 training in Fort Collins, CO in the late 1990s. She became certified in teaching a spiritual form of hot yoga in Encinitas CA in the early 2000s, further developing her love for integrating the sacred into daily life. She drew upon the healing potential of Reiki, yoga, breathwork, and other energy healing modalities to help her navigate her Postpartum OCD with her first child. Chelsea then went on to immerse herself in Reiki Level 2 training and a 9 month transformational Reiki program with Tekla Ayers in Lafayette, CO, in the midst of the chaos of the Covid-era. Chelsea believes that our most intense challenges are our greatest opportunities for healing on all levels, and an initiation into deeper wisdom, compassion, and purpose. Chelsea currently lives in beautiful Boulder, CO, with her two children and her dog Finn and is passionate about transforming her struggles and life experiences into a tool of empowerment for others, channeling the healing power of Reiki and mindfulness to support other women (particularly mothers) in physical, mental and emotional breakthroughs.

Photos by Eva Bernstein, Age 10